Friday 29 March 2013

If you hear His voice do not harden your hearts (3) (Hebrews 3:15)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"When repentance is complete and your life is revealed before God, you experience the presence of God for God accepts those who repent and is close to them.  The presence of God has a feeling of warmth, joy and peace in the heart; His presence is the richness of Christianity, also called the Glory of the Lord.  Have the Lord's company in your life; seek Him always  for He is near."
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 28 March 2013

If you hear His voice do not harden your hearts (2) (Hebrews 3:15)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"My son, if any feeling of hostility resides in your heart for more than a day, you destroy what you have built in prayer and ruin your relationship with God. Cut out any hostility residing in your heart even it was inherited from your family.  Be careful, hostility starts by being dressed in hatred; once you hate any person Satan wants to trap you in its snare, so cut the stronghold of hatred.
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 27 March 2013

If you hear His voice do not harden your hearts (1) (Hebrews 3:15)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"My son, repentance delights God and restores your loving relationship with Him, for the reaction of sin you commit is you feel estranged from the Spirit of God.  Be overly sensitive to your sins to repent once they come across your mind, and do not keep one worrisome sin to the next day, so all your days may become quiet, sweet and bright."  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Examine yourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"Man must examine himself frequently to ensure at every moment that first he lives for God and second he is led by the Spirit of God.  Instead of being surprised by the chastisements of God, so we feel estranged by its pain, we must first submit ourselves to the chastisement under the hand of the Holy Spirit confessing our inner pain before Him without any disguise."  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 25 March 2013

How often would I have gathered and you would not! (Luke 13:34)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"His voice is heard again today asking us: would you want what I want?! I want you to belong to me and to be always where I am, would you want?  I want you to have a meek heart like mine; want you to ask for my Kingdom and righteousness, would you want?"  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Saturday 23 March 2013

Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"The call for repentance is inclusive for everyone before it is for individuals; repentance must go beyond the person and necessarily contain him."  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 22 March 2013

He who commits sin he is a slave to sin (John 8:34)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"God did not abandon man in his slavery to sin; the first name Christ had was Savior.  He came to save His people from their sins and this was His unique action.  He put sin to death and He resurrected from the dead overcoming it and lifting its weight off man.  He gave him a spiritual newness in everything; new intelect, new will, new zeal.  Everthing became new for man."  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 21 March 2013

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah (Matthew 12:39)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"If you seek times of abundance, you must learn today the lesson of Nineveh.  Today is the day of Nineveh and its Prophet who had sensitive feelings; who said, when a great tempest went on the sea, that this was my sin, and he did not say it was Nineveh' sin"  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 20 March 2013

I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself (Acts 20:24)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"When you struggle for treding the narrow path, let the shadow of the Cross never depart your feeling so you never lose patience no matter how intense the tribulation is.  The prime reason for attaining this patience is to not lose the significance of love in whatever we go through."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Return O my soul to your rest (Psalm 116:7)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"Christ is our goal that we live and die for.  This is the time of repentance; time of salvation and delight, time of light not darkness.  Come all and indulge in the safe comforting bosom of Christ.  Stick to Him, follow Him wherever He goes, receive the words of love from Him and no longer cherish anything else but Him."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 18 March 2013

Come, my people, enter your chambers (Isaiah 26:20)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"As long as man continues to lead his routine daily life, it is very difficult to sit quietly to examine and reveal his inner self.  Surely we will have challenges when we try to start such self-exploring journey because of our habits and fear of facing our sinful selves with the Truth.  This necessitates us to be strict and vigilant with ourselves."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Saturday 16 March 2013

Because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up my wrath for yourself on the day of wrath. (Romans 2:5)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"There are 2 days in the life of man: A day now accounted for salvation; where salavation is readily available, His grace is embracing and prayers are heard and accepted.  The second day is for whom the first day passed them by; it is the day of wrath that awaits the hardened and unrepentant man."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 15 March 2013

Do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"Man's dilemma is when he forgets that God's grace and divine mercy necessitate a specific responsibility which is repentance.  If man ignores such an obligation, God's richness and patience attest against him on the day of judgment."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 14 March 2013

If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons (Hebrews 12:8)

Month of March: The Life of repentance
"All Christian believers are true sons; they all are partakers in discipline.  Whoever rejects discipline and tribulations, as if he says to the Lord I don't want to be your child! If we want to come out safely of stressful pain, the only practical solution is to accept it from the hands of God; thus as if we have a document in our hands that we accepted all from Your hands God and we will never retreat till death."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 13 March 2013

As Esau when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no chance to repent, though he sought it with tears. (Hebrews 12:16-17)

Month of March: The Life of repentance
"Repentance practically means a complete and comprehensive change of the intellect for all the sins and ignorance of the past.  This is based on a conscious awareness of the reality of the nature of Christ and the power of His resurrection in giving a new life for man.  By this practical concept it is impossible to repeat committing sins again."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 12 March 2013

The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber (Romans 13:11)

Month of March: The Life of repentance
"Oh my friend if your spiritual ears are attentive, you would clap your hands and say "come oh Lord Jesus: Maran Atha"  The living People used  to utter it at the end of every Liturgy because they felt the slavation clock ticking in their hearts; so Christ actually came, entered and rested in the hearts with overflowing peace."  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 11 March 2013

How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? Hebrews 2:3

Today is the beginning of the Holy Lent may God give us a true repentance
Month of March: The Life of repentance
"An essential change happened in God' plan for the repentance of man because of the incarnation and death of Christ; He made repentance a divine mystery that attests to the grace of  God and His tenderness.  But such divine Grace and Tenderness necessitate us to be careful and fearful for how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?!"

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Saturday 9 March 2013

Adam, where are you? (Genesis 3:9)

Month of March: The Life of repentance
"The voice of God still echos in the conscience, even after comitting sin; He  still puts in the heart feelings of regret and sorrow which are the seed of repentance.  Thus the voice of God who cautioned and warned before the fall and who became a source of rebuke and regret, He is the same who starts debating the sinner and encouraging him to repent and renew life."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 8 March 2013

These are they who have come out of the great tribulation, they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. (Revelation 7:14)

Month of March: The Life of repentance
" God calls every man and every man can respond if he wills; when God's call meets with man's response, the life of repentance starts immediately. The call of God is for the free salvation given to the man and man's response is the gateway for entering into this grace."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 7 March 2013

Unless you repent, you too will all perish (Luke 13:3)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"Christ came on earth to defeat fear and return man to God by lifting sin off the being of man.  Thus repentance is a meeting between the loving will of God, the attracting power for the sinner, and that of the fearful troubled man who seeks to return to God."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 4:17)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"In the beginning of his mission, Peter the Apostle emphasized the need for group repentance that ignored their sins "Repent and turn again that your sins may be bottled out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord" Acts 3:19  We all need these days Peter's voice to wake up our consciences as a group; to pray, repent and humble ourselves before God for our soul salvation and for the world which is led to desolation."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 5 March 2013

I tell you the Truth: all the sins of men will be forgiven them (Mark 3:28)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"Think thoroughly, write all your sins on a piece of paper and hate it; these all were contained by the blood of Christ, He washed them off so they became whiter than snow.  May I challenge you to remember a sin that was not defeated by the blood of Christ?!!!! ."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 4 March 2013

Neither do I condemn you..Go now and leave your life of sin (John 8:11)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"Leave your life of sin: We all will be standing before the throne of Christ with the same condition.  No one deserves to be worthy because of his works only, but if we await a mercy from God, we will have it, and if we hope for life from Him we will live it."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Saturday 2 March 2013

A friend of tax collectors and sinners (Luke 7:34)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

"At the beginning sinners were chosen and claimed as sons of God in Christ, therefore Christ had the mission to bring them back to their original status.
   In his presence, hostility was replaced in their hearts, minds and bodies with godly love and sweeping compassion.  They chased him, asked for his whereabout and sought his presence becasue he gave them love, eternal life, peace of heart, conscience and mind."

Friday 1 March 2013

I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32)

Month of March: The Life of repentance

" Christ made the sinner, when he was before Christ, to not feel ashamed of himself; but he felt like he trampled his sin, forgot about it and ignored it as if he was not a sinner.  The sinner felt that his sin was fading away in the presence of Christ therefore he was attracted to Christ as the patient is attracted to his physician, but attracted to God Himself ; assured that He as the life giver revealed his situation, healed him and gave him life."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless