Tuesday 30 April 2013

For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too (2 Corinthians 1:5)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"If our sufferings are limitless, so our joys are limitless; and we are the winners.  There is no suffering in Christ without compassion and no comfort without pain.  Christ planted His body in midst of sufferings and He cultivated from it a joyful fruit for life." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 29 April 2013

I rejoice in my suffering (Colossians 1:24)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Christ lifted sin and He reconciled and livened us; thus He lifted up the link of suffering to the terrifying sin.  Suffering has no longer a communion in Adam's sin, but in the love of Christ.  No matter how much we suffer and we are in Christ because we do not suffer deservedly ot not for the suffering itself, because suffering is no longer a punishment for something.  Suffering is a communion of Divinity so we may be glorified with Him." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 26 April 2013

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself (Luke 9:23)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Christ here speaks to those who have free will; considering the man has the choice of following Christ or not.  But after such an awareness, we notice that following Christ is not up to the free will to choose or not; but whoever does not will loses his eternal life and his will as well." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 25 April 2013

We suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him (Romans 8:17)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"When the Lord's disciple suffers for the Lord from tribulation, persecution, deprivation, he suffers and Christ is resurrected in his bossom; as if Christ goes through pain in him as much as he has pain for the sake of Christ.  This loving melting with Christ in pain is what inherits the loving melting with Christ in glory.  It is one discipleship; here by pain and there in glory." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith (Hebrew 12:2)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Whoever looks to the cross of Christ and thinks of the pain He went through, he considers his own pain as a communion with Christ.  Communion in pain is not confined to pain but extends to the light and peace; a communion in glory that we live when we look at Him, and it fills our hearts and intelects when we think of Him." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 23 April 2013

If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you (2) (John 15:20)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"The secret of tolerating afflictions is in reality the secret of victory.  Therefore when Christ was crucified He said "take heart I have overcome the world".  This is our share as Christians if we accept the tax of cross, which is persection pain and world tribulation, we can say with Christ: we have overcome the world. (John16:33)" 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 22 April 2013

If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you (John 15:20)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"It is wise to live and tolerate afflictions; let us not bemoan nor protest or resist.  When we bemoan our sorrow will breed unnecessary worry, and we lose the blessing of tolerating the pain.  Whoever protests or resists weakens the reality of his faith in Christ.  When we accept persecution we really emphasize that we are true Christians." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 19 April 2013

If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you (John 15:18)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"As much as the world gives us sourness, we will taste the Lord and figure out how sweet He is and that He tastes like honey.  Know that the sourness of this world is temporary, and whatever is temporary will surely vanish, but the Lord is steadfast for ever.  Therefore should not we substitute the sourness with honey and the pain and deprivation with eternal life?" 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 18 April 2013

When I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all people to myself (John 12:32)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Christ's death on the cross was a life for the whole world! He drew all people as He said; all people are all in His time and all times.  Believing in His Cross is the true redemptive reality that covered all the sinners, and the blood shed on the cross is sufficient to cleanse whoever comes to Him." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 17 April 2013

If anyone would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me (2) (Luke9:23)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"How marvelous my friend that the Father agreed with the Son that He would give up His body for every man on the Cross, so every man is rescued and wins the eternal life.  Therefore when we talk about salvation, we must give glory to the Father first and foremost; because Christ resurrected by the glory of the Father, so we glorify Him for the rest of age." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 16 April 2013

If anyone would come after me,let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"A follower of Christ absolutely gets a happy ending above the whole universe with all of its glories.  The comparison is there between following Christ and not following Him; either the happiness of eternal life with Christ or misery of life that ends with losing the heavenly glory.  Pay attention my beloved which one do you choose and for which you live; because Christ in this verse makes it all up to you!" 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 15 April 2013

Do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you (1Peter 4:12)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Pain and sadness will remain meaningless and inexplainable until we accept and welcome them the Christ way.  Then we glean out a new significance for pain and we no longer search for a way out.  But we find that our acceptance willingly for pain has become the wonderful resolution that helps us feel happiness and indulgence with a new significance of love." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Saturday 13 April 2013

By which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world (Galatians 6:14)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"What do you think of someone who is ashamed of the cross; he wears it around his neck but hides it in his life, he declares it by his mouth but you do not see it in his behavior and dealings with others.  This happens because he did not truly die with Christ nor did he taste the suffering of His Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.  This person has false boasting of the cross." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 12 April 2013

Far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"In order for man to be a true Christian disciple for Christ, he must carry his cross and follow Christ's footsteps.  Every man, through the power of Christ resurrection, has the abilty to pass over in the affliction of cross.  From here the cross, this fierce opposition between the will of God and man's will, became man's great boasting." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 11 April 2013

This command I have received from my Father (John 10:18)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"As we have the intelect and will of Christ, we lay our life by faith as He did, and we resurrect it also by faith as if it were risen before we die.  We die with the will based on the fact that not we will rise but we already rose from the dead.  Christ has already resurrected our new man who is in us with Him." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Strive to enter through the narrow door (Luke 13:24)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"It is easy to believe in what Christ said and did because how easy for man to believe in Christ in his heart and testify Him by mouth.  But the test of true faith is to act upon it and behave accordingly.  After faith comes the narrow door that whoever believes in Christ must pass through.  Christ's commands will always be higher than the level of man"s best effort, so he will always be humble before God and Christ holding on to the grace." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 9 April 2013

If anyone would come after me let him deny himself, carry his cross daily and follow me (1) (Luke 9:23)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"The greatest secret in the life of Christ is that He accepted willingly to go through the pain leading to death.  The depth of this secret is superior, and it is very hard for us to fathom it and absolutely impossible to realize its depth and significance unless we go throught it." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 8 April 2013

Whoever does not take his cross and follow me he is not worthy of me (2) (Matthew 10:38)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"The cross here is the sign of sacrifice and giving; sacrifice of self and all what pulls it down to the earth, world, family, delights of this age, and with all the emotions and instincts that seek more of self independance, comfort, dignity and glory." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Saturday 6 April 2013

That no one be moved by these afflictions, for you yourselves know that we are destined for this (1 Thessalonians 3:3)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"The weapon of perseverace and patience on tribulations is humility.  Humility was the weapon that saved Saint Paul from his deadly affliction.  Saint Paul says that if we were cast out, God will not possibly abandon us.  God wants to be glorified through our faith, and He manifests the life of Jesus in our afflictions." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Friday 5 April 2013

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith who endured the cross (Hebrews 12:2)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Christ's invitation is mystical; it cannot be recognized by the busy heart with another.  As for those who wait for the Lord they hear the whispers of His voice from a distance and rejoice, because when Christ speaks with the man his soul rejoices and even his bones delight." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Thursday 4 April 2013

Whoever does not take his cross and follow me he is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:38

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"The name and reality of Cross became associated with Christ and carrying the cross satisfactorily and silently are the acceptance of Christ.  Some are proud in tribulations that they became beloved for Christ and God and they have a special rapport with Christ because He is the partaker of their pain and cross." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (Galatians 5:24)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"The Christian person lives crucified with his own will, and the will of the Cross is a model of life which is different than the life we live in this world.  Life according to the Cross derives its essence from the Cross or rather it acquires its essence from the death of Christ on the Cross.  Those who have crucified the flesh are a new spirit that enlivens the world and testifies to God and Christ, and without those this world vanishes and is doomed." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Tuesday 2 April 2013

In the world you will have tribulations (John 16:33)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"If we tolerate the sufferings and tribulations here patiently and joyfully, it will contain in itself the joyful and comforting element; not that it will come in the future but present now and working in us to give us the joyful Spirit of resurrection." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless

Monday 1 April 2013

It has been granted to you that you suffer for His sake (Philippians 1:29)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"Our sufferings and tribulations are not counted against us but for us as a victory against the will of adversary.  Whoever suffers believing in Christ, his sufferings, according to the Scripture, will be considered a gift from God which qualifies him to partake in the sufferings of Christ.  He subsequently is worthy for God's delight and fulfilling the Lord Jesus' plan of salvation." 
Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless