Thursday 25 April 2013

We suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him (Romans 8:17)

Month of April: The Life of the Cross 

"When the Lord's disciple suffers for the Lord from tribulation, persecution, deprivation, he suffers and Christ is resurrected in his bossom; as if Christ goes through pain in him as much as he has pain for the sake of Christ.  This loving melting with Christ in pain is what inherits the loving melting with Christ in glory.  It is one discipleship; here by pain and there in glory." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless


  1. i have a question; does every pain we pass through is for the sake of Christ?!
    I think NO.
    There is pain for the sake of Christ, and this pain has a clear signs that come with it; Peace and joy inside the heart and mind at the same time with this pain. this is the pain that will let us taste the glory in Jesus Christ.
    The other kind of pain is that which comes to injure and destroy you for no reason, is not for the sake of Christ. This is different.

  2. You are right Manal; not every pain we go through is for Christ. There is pain which we inflict upon ourselves b/c of man's own pitfalls, ego & lack of understanding etc. This pain, though allowed by god, is for our cleansing & purification. When this happens, man gets the blessings of pain. All things work for the good for those who love God and listen to Him. Hope this helps.
