Thursday 1 August 2013

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7)

Month of July: The life of the Word and Prayer 
"The law of Christ's response is {go; let it be done for you as you have believed} Matthew 8:13  
We must believe that we attained before we take and that is how we take.  Our level of faith in His response to our prayer is the one which controls the response.  Our trust in God should be much bigger than whatever we ask for."  

Dear reader: Please share your reflections with the Love of God. 
Have a wonderful day!  God Bless


  1. Please clarify this thought for me. One thing is to trust God wholeheartedly, another is fall into the trap of self-entitlement which is deadly symptom of pride since it can change the focus from God to self.It may lead to arrogance. Any insights will be appreciated and have a great Dormition Fast. Thank you.

  2. Dear Samurai, thank you for your comment and question. Trust starts with the Love of God; we fully love Him so we trust His kindness & generosity. But you are right, Self-entitlement starts with the self; ego has no link to the Love of God, but it is related to the love of self & how to make it happy. The main differentiator here is whom you love; the Lord or the self. I hope this helps.
    May God bless your life in His Love. Joe
