Thursday 30 August 2012

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us (Matthew 6:12)

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Month of August: The Life of the Word and Prayer.  May God use this blog to bless your life with His Word.
This is an excerpt of the daily devotionals I translate from Arabic from the Book "The Bible in reality of our life" for late Father Matta El Meskeen.

"The man who was able to forgive others' sins is in reality a man who confronted the world and has been crucified for it; he "is not from this world" because he reached the climax of crucifixion and the crucified."

Dear reader: Please share your reflections.  Have a blessed day!
God Bless


  1. Do you know the Road Work Zone sign, that says "Road Work Ahead"?!
    The same is happening with me. God is working in this spot in me; the forgiveness for all those who trespassed and will trespass against me. Work is not finished yet, but one day it will be well done. I trust the constructor :)
    Yes I didn't reach this climax YET, but at least my eyes and my heart fixed there!

  2. Manal, He wull surely help you get there so keep your eyes and heart fixed on Him and earnestly ask Him for it in your prayers, and He will never forsake you.
    We all need His miraculous work in us through the Grace of His Holy Spirit to help us forgive and forget.
