Friday 10 August 2012

The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life (John 6:63)

Month of August: The Life of the Word and Prayer.  May God use this blog to bless your life with His Word.
This is an excerpt of the daily devotionals I translate from Arabic from the Book "The Bible in reality of our life" for late Father Matta El Meskeen.

"The bible is the first source for spiritual discipline.  The strange mystery in the bible is that any command in it is poweful alone of leading you to the Kingdom of God if you were faithful for it from all your heart and you were precise in fulfilling it, for if you have success in fulfilling it you figure out that you unconsciously fulfill the other commands."

Dear reader: please share your reflections.  Have a blessed day!
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that's TRUE! I never thought about it in that way!!!
    Now I understood this bible verse; "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." (James 2:10)
    It has the same meaning as you says Joe; (for if you have success in fulfilling it you figure out that you unconsciously fulfill the other commands.)
    I know, God is ONE UNIT... even we DO have Him OR NOT. When God enter my heart and support and help me to fulfill one of His commands, that's mean one day He will complete His work in me to fulfill all the rest of His commands, and enjoy His Kingdom!!
    And on the other side if I reject His work in one, That's mean being guilty for breaking all of it!
    many many times I was wondering why if we stumbled in one command we will be guilty on all of it?! and today I knew that if we fulfilled one commands we will unconsciously fulfilled all of it!!!

    Joe, did I understand it correct????

    O my goodness, this is a NEW vision and NEW understanding for a very important point!!!

    Thank you Lord who teaches me Your ways, and answer my questions in the correct time. And thank you Joe for every word that you wrote in this website.
