Tuesday 30 October 2012

But what about you who do you say I am? (Matthew 16:15)

Month of October: Our life in Christ.  May God use this blog to bless your life with His Word.
This is an excerpt of the daily devotionals I translate from Arabic from the Book "The Bible in reality of our life" for late Father Matta El Meskeen.

"People's resistance to our Christianity is absolutely not based on the person of Christ but it is based on that Christ does not exist in our Christianity.  If Christ were truly alive in our lives, no one would have never resisted to our Christ." 

Dear reader: Please share your reflections and this blog with others. 
Have a blessed day!
God Bless


  1. Hi, thank you for these posts. Im sorry that the first time that I comment is when I disagree. Normally that is the only time we speak up and it shouldnt be so. Still, Im hurt (not overwhelmingly) by this message. Perhaps I dont understand it in its full context and if that's the case, forgive me. But even Christ Himself came to His people in the flesh and He was resisted. Christ's disciples and apostles, who certainly did have Christ in their lives, were persecuted, brutally murdered and ostrasized from society. Our Lord Himself told His followers that they would be delivered up to the synagogues and murdered for His Namesake.

  2. Hi Francella,

    Thanks for your message; no worries about disagreement. The full context of this message is that people may resist us when we talk about Christ,not because of Him,but because He is not manifested in our actions, behavior and words. Christ said that others will see your works so they may glorify me. When people see our works in Christianity they will see Him alive in our Christianity. I hope that helps. God Bless
