Monday 9 July 2012

But I, when I am lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself (John12:32)

Month of July: The Life of Divine love; living love all along!This is an excerpt of the daily devotionals I translate from Arabic from the Book "The Bible in reality of our life" for the late Father Matta El Meskeen.

"The Power of Christ to attract man's heart is due to His Love being in advance, for He never awaits your love but He always Loves you first. That's why when man raises up his eyes and his heart hovers with love towards Him, he feels that Christ was waiting for him with more Love and a tender Heart."

Today's question for you to ponder: When you stand for prayer to express your love for Him, do you feel that Christ was waiting for you to tell you that He Loves you first?  Please share your reflections.

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. In the moments that I spend with my LORD JESUS CHRIST, that's what is truly express all what I feel;

    Love You JESUS as YOU loved me first.
